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Pengurusan Perijinan Lingkungan IPAL/SIPA/LIMB

General Information

We are committed to the notion that early input results in high returns. We offer a full spectrum of preconstruction services including multiple tools to control cost during pre-construction, such as cost estimating, constructability and value engineering, trend logging, and risk management and mitigation.

We also employ the latest in estimating tools and virtual construction technology, including Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D modeling to construct facilities via virtual information models and detect construction conflicts before spending funds on materials and labor.

Service Brochure

Preconstruction Services

  • Project-specific strategies to manage, control and document procedures based on our best practices.
  • Detailed, clearly defined procurement and subcontract administration procedures.
  • Employing local disadvantaged and small-business vendors and subcontractors.
  • State-of-the-art estimating methods and virtual construction technology delivered by a multidiscipline team of experts.
  • Value engineering and detailed constructability reviews to ensure optimum value for each dollar spent.

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What Are Included

Our approach to program management provides governance that results in consistency and efficiency while also allowing innovative ideas to be tested and incorporated into the overall delivery process.

We provide innovative and sustainable solutions to global environmental issues and natural resource limitations through specialized analytics and research.

Our engineering and design services range from planning and permitting through preliminary and detailed design to start-up and commissioning for all types of projects.

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